Friday, February 19, 2016

God's Choice

I met the “star” sponsored child yesterday. You know the one – pretty, intelligent, very friendly, warm and welcoming. The one that everyone wants to sponsor. We were working on Christmas projects, and she was the only one who voluntarily drew some pictures and made her card special for each of her sponsors. I understand why she is the one chosen; after all, she was the one I enjoyed working with the most.

Then there is my new sponsored child, Carolina. My other girl, Limberlyn, graduated from high school last spring and has moved on from the sponsorship program. Being here in the DR has some advantages. I have gotten to know more of the children and could choose which new child I wanted to sponsor. Except, I didn’t really choose. You see, I found myself looking for the cute little girl, the one who was friendly and easy to be with. There were a couple that I had in mind, but God put another girl on my heart. She isn’t overly friendly. She doesn’t smile a lot. She isn’t particularly attractive. She doesn’t like school and is often absent when we go to do projects. She didn’t fit the picture of the child I wanted.

I argued with God a little about this. I asked about the others and pointed out which ones I liked. I really didn’t want a difficult child, but I couldn’t get this girl off my mind. Finally, I wrote the names of all the little girls without sponsors on slips of paper, put them in a bowl and shook them up. I meant to draw one out, but one paper jumped out of the bowl. Yep, it was Carolina. That was a fluke. I planned to draw one out. I put it back in and shook them a little again just to mix them up. Another paper popped out. Before I even looked, I knew it was Carolina.

God is so patient with us. He lets us argue and try to figure out how to get our way. He listens to all our reasoning and rationalizations. I imagine He was somewhat amused by my feeble attempt to get around what He was telling me to do. But He is God and He does make His will clear to us. Then it is up to us to choose – will we follow or not? Carolina is my new, chosen sponsored child. I will love her and pray for her and spend time with her whenever I can. Hopefully, with God’s love and attention, my love and attention, the love and attention of those at the school, she will be transformed into one of those little girls everyone wants to sponsor. But, if not, she will still be mine.
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I wrote this post last October, but it never made it to my blog. I don’t really know why. I guess it just felt a little risky. But the question has come up again, at least in my mind. Why is it that some kids are fully sponsored and could actually have 2 or 3 times the number of sponsors allowed while others never have that chance?

I suspect I know why, and I’m not pointing fingers. If you read the above, you know I am just as human as anyone. Remember what God told Samuel when Samuel was to anoint a king for Israel? “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’” (I Sam 16:7)

As I sit here and think of all the shy, plain, difficult children who are in our programs, I want to challenge all of us to follow God’s instructions – don’t look at the outward appearance, instead listen to God’s heart and choose a child based upon what you hear from Him.

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