Karen is from Goshen, Indiana and has lived in the area her
entire life. She graduated from Goshen College with a degree in elementary
education and homeschooled her own children for 15 years. She was introduced to
Kids Alive through her daughter who served as an intern in Kenya for three
months. Since then, Karen has been on mission trips to the Dominican Republic
twice with her home church.
Twenty-two years ago after her youngest child was born, God told
Karen that there was a world full of children who needed to be loved. Now God
has put names, faces and life stories to a world of children in the Dominican
Republic. As the mother of ten children and “meema” to sixteen grandchildren,
Karen understands the importance of love and belonging in a developing child’s
life. She is excited to be part of the team in Jarabacoa providing a safe place
for the children there.
Karen arrived in the Dominican Republic on August 24, 2014. She serves as the sponsorship liaison to the main office in Valparaiso, IN and helps the sponsorship coordinators in whatever way is needed.
Karen arrived in the Dominican Republic on August 24, 2014. She serves as the sponsorship liaison to the main office in Valparaiso, IN and helps the sponsorship coordinators in whatever way is needed.
To support Karen on her mission trip:
Call 1-800-543-7330 and tell them you want to make a tax-deductible donation for Karen Green's Dominican Republic mission trip.
Donate online by following this link: www.kidsalive.org/karengreen
Thank you for your help!Karen's mailing address while in the DR:
Airmans Dr. #3049-KAIDR
Pierce, FL 34946
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