Saturday, January 18, 2014

I’m sitting here in the predawn hours, enjoying the beauty of the lights on my Christmas tree and soaking in the strains of music by Yanni. It is peaceful and a good time to reflect.

One week from today, I will pass a milestone on my journey to the Dominican Republic. I will be in an airplane heading to Asheville, North Carolina for my training at CIT – four weeks of intercultural training and two weeks of second language acquisition training. While it is nothing like the change that will happen when I leave for Guatemala and then the DR, it is a change nevertheless and hopefully will provide a good transition to the changes yet to come.

I am grateful to all those who are partnering with me in this change of life. That partnering looks a little different for each person. For some it is financial, for others it is prayer, for still others it has been walking with me through this process offering encouragement and support. I thank God often for all of you.

As Yanni’s music soars and reaches a crescendo, I celebrate the milestones that have been reached. I have received 89% of my start-up costs. I also have pledges for 55% of my monthly support. When fundraising started in October, I never would have believed that I could have reached these percentages by this time.

While I have exceeded the percentage of start-up costs needed to leave for language school in Guatemala, I also need to have 100% of my monthly support pledged before I can take that step. If you are like me, the thought of making a monthly commitment for two years is a little scary. You might think of all the “what if’s” that can happen in that period of time. You might think that you don’t have enough to offer that will make a real difference. In thinking about the remaining 45% needed, I realized that I need 20-25 people who will step out in faith and pledge $10, $15, $20 or $25 a month. Would you prayerfully consider being one of those people? Would you join me in my journey and walk with me for the next two years?

An African proverb says, “If you want to travel fast….go alone. If you want to travel far…..go together.” I want to travel far – not just in miles, but in helping the children of the DR and in touching lives there with the reality of God’s love for them. Together, with you, we can make a difference.

P.S. Yes, my Christmas tree is still up and will probably stay that way until I leave for Guatemala. I do love gazing at the lights.

1 comment:

  1. I'm there with you all the way Karen. Excited to watch God's plan for you revealed. Stay safe.
