Sunday, November 9, 2014

The sun has been up for over an hour, shining brilliantly in a clear blue sky. But as I sit here, I realize the fog is creeping in, slowly but surely obscuring familiar landmarks, trees and houses. The sky is more gray now than blue. The sun is still shining but now its rays must fight their way through the haze. I wonder, who will win today? The fog or the sun?

Could this be a picture of the Christian life? When we first meet Jesus, the Son shines brilliantly in our lives – everything is fresh and bright and new. But as we continue on our way, the fog slowly creeps its way into our lives. We have struggles and disappointments. Bad things happen. Perhaps sin overtakes us, almost before we realize it is there. The Son is still shining in our lives, but now there is a haze, a shadow cast on our way. What once was clear and well-defined now appears in shades of gray. And, if we are honest, sometimes we wonder who will win.

I’ve been sitting here now for thirty minutes – waiting... thinking... writing.... Slowly but surely, the sun beat back the shadows. What was for a time obscure is now once again distinct. The fog has retreated. Yes, there are still clouds on the horizon and shadows on the distant hills, but the world in front of me is vibrant and alive. The sun won.

So it is with us. If we wait, simply wait on the Son; if we are quiet and think and listen, the Son will overcome the shadows. His light will shine into our world. He will make clear what we are to do – repent…trust…take action…or maybe simply wait. The clouds may still be there on the horizon, but for today our world will be bright and clear. The Son, you see, always wins.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."                 John 8:12